Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patty's Day

So St. Patty's Day was kind of boring.  Well... it was a Thursday... a night where my last class ends at 9:45pm.  So not much was done other than hanging out a little with my Korean roommates who, for obvious reasons, don't really observe St. Patrick's Day traditions.

Supposedly the Irish Embassy is putting on a St. Patrick's event this weekend so we'll see.



  1. Oooh, I was curious about that. Well same for me here. I spent it with my best friend, her cutest baby EVER!! And I just had dinner with an old friend at Cracker Barrel.. ever been to one? Did they have those in Texas? Anyways it is a country food place. Some kids there dyed their hair green, or green sprayed it, either way it was fun and silly. I got a button and sticker, my Patty's day was just eventful as yours : )

    How is the food and drink going there? Have you gotten sick again? How is the weather? I saw that Japan is having snow.. to add to their problems.. Do you have plans to go to any museums or historical sites?

  2. I haven't made any plans to visit historical sites yet. Though there was an aborted trip to an old palace but we haven't made any effort to go there yet.

    Weather switches between cold and decent. No I haven't gotten sick again. I think your question on the food is answered in my latest post.

    And yes I've been to a Cracker Barrel :)

  3. So how about now, have you still not gone to this palace? What type of palace is it, well I mean from what time period and what is significant about it, and how far away is it from where you live?
