Monday, March 7, 2011

So I'm here.

I'm in Seoul now... as indicated by the picture... because I narrate the obvious.

So the flight was long but it's hard to get around that when you're flying to the other side of the planet.  Contrary to what I believed would happen and consistent with my short history of international travel I didn't sleep much on the plane.  I'm estimating about 6 hours of sleep between Saturday morning until now.  But I did watch:  The Social Network, Tangled, Easy A (I regret watching this), Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking: Time Travel, and another movie or two my mind isn't recalling.  One weird thing I noticed was that the movies were preceded by a short Korean Air commercial (in case you forgot what airline you're on?) that featured quite a bit of Japanese art... which is odd.

When I arrived at the Incheon airport I was pretty happy just looking out the windows and when I eventually made it through immigration and customs I was picked up by Yoon-seo.  Korean drivers are kind of crazy... I probably won't bother with an international driver's license... and I'll have to be careful on the sidewalks too, scooters can be found driving on them.

We went from the airport to the office where about 3 consecutive elevator loads led to handshakes (two hands and a short bow to show respect) and when I eventually reached the office I went out to dinner at a Chinese-Korean fusion place across the street.  The waitress felt sorry for me and gave me a fork... which I didn't use out of pride.  Then a pair of wooden chopsticks, which I reluctantly used to replace the smooth more formal chopsticks.  Defeat by noodle.

Anyway, everyone's cool.  I guess there was some excitement about seeing a new face around.

On the way to the apartment we stopped by a grocery store where I bought this cereal.  It just looked like the most amusing... though the weird turtle-ish thing was pretty competitive.  It's a little blurry but I'm too tired to walk to the kitchen to retake the picture.  The digs are kind of spartan but sufficient.  And I need sleep.  Tomorrow I work on preparing and Wednesday I am unleashed to teach English.


  1. Yep.. That's exactly what happens to me.. sleep only depends on the qualities of air-movies!! How did you liked Tangled and Social Network!?

    Get some sleep.. write about how the cereal was!? Does it taste like the ones here? Is there milk?

    Good to know you are safe!

  2. You're teaching already on Wed.? That's some quick lesson planning!
    Do you want me to send you a spork?

  3. Tangled and the Social Network were good. I heard before that the Social Network had different stories of the same thing (think Hero if you've seen that) but that wasn't the case at all. I haven't had the cereal yet. I think there was something about the airplane food that doesn't agree with my stomach. Even just a little while ago for lunch (pizza) I could barely eat a single slice without feeling a little queasy.

    My class schedule is a little weird. Normally the class I'll be teaching Wednesday would have started Monday, the day I arrived. So tomorrow will just be introductions, icebreaker activities, etc., nothing too intense.

  4. Hi ....thanks for the info on your flight and happenings so far Jared....its understandable that you are quesy now after all you have done so far...on so little sleep - lots of excitement ahead of our from all.
