Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 2

It's the end of day 2 and I think I might actually be experiencing jetlag... it's kinda new to me.  It's not so much being tired as it is the combination of the effect of bad fish on the plane and some body aches that are messing me up.  At both lunch and dinner I felt pretty queasy.

In other less self-pity related news I finished the plan for my first class tomorrow, the introduction class.  Normally Monday would have been the first day but my arrival didn't really time well with that possibility.  It's just a simple introduction with icebreaker style activities so nothing too intense.  I guess my orientation is a bit rushed because of the timing so it's been moving faster for me than it has for other teachers.

I found out in Korea I'm considered 24.  Koreans start counting age at conception and the Lunar New Year increases your age.  Meaning, at birth you're a year old and each time the Lunar New Year rolls around you're bumped up one.

Anyway, I want sleep.  I hope I feel better in the morning.


  1. AW Jar.. I hope you feel better too.. Looks like a Korean visit is now totally out of the question for me.. well maybe if I don't eat airplane food?

    Did anyone tell you if the students will be able to understand you? Have you picked up any Korean words yet?

    Um.. woah.. maybe the age thing isn't too good for women.. I'm like 50 then or something, haha.

    Anywho Happy Mardi Gras! Get better!

    (p.s. I had to ask.. how are the sleeping and bathroom conditions there? And the drinking water? And again do they have milk?)

  2. The students can understand most of what I say. It takes some explanation but their vocabulary is pretty solid.

    As far as Korean words... not so much.

    The first night I had a temporary sleeping setup on a pretty hard cot and yesterday my bed arrived. It's a bunkbed with a decent mattress. Koreans don't use sheets so I have a blanket I lay on and another I use as a cover. The bathrooms are modern toilets and the showers are similar to what you described in Ukraine. It's a hand held shower head and a bathtub... though we do have a mount to put the shower head on to use normally.
