Saturday, March 12, 2011

So it's been a few days....

So I haven't updated in a couple days.  Teaching continues.

Last night (Friday night for me) I saw what Gangnam looked like at night... kinda crazy.  Tons of people, full restaurants and everything.  And the occasional white guy walking down the street drinking.

Oh and my attempt at completing the required Korean medical check failed miserably as, this month, the office that handled it at Seoul Medical Center moved to another location.  All this means is that I'm 1800 won poorer and will need to make another trip next Friday when I have time.

Today was an aborted trip to the movies; replaced by talking with friends at a coffee shop, a ride on a rented bike (3000 won) along a river.  It was kinda cold out but the hoodie, shorts and flip flops combination held up through it.  That ride was followed by a group dinner with the coworkers at the apartment.  As it turns out, one of my roommates is a pretty solid cook.

Yeah this isn't my best writing ever.

In other news there was an earthquake off the coast of Japan that spawned a tsunami.  I imagine you've heard something about it.  The images we're getting on the news are pretty terrible and I believe it does without saying that I my best wishes extend to Japan.

I haven't noticed any tremor in Seoul and haven't heard of anything happening in Korea related to the earthquake or tsunami.  A wave map I saw would seem to indicate that the southern part of Korea might have experienced some waves but I haven't heard of any hitting.  Earlier, KBS (Korean Broadcasting System... maybe Service) played a story that seemed to be a piece that, to sum it up, was an explanation of what might have happened if the quake was on the west coast of Japan.

Anyway, later.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How's teaching? I'm guessing you get all the lesson plans? What are your students like? Ages? Aspirations?

    Yes, riding a bike will make your butt hurt. It's not like riding a chair ... :)
