Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hmmm time for ketchup.

I made a pun!

But on a not so serious note it's been awhile eh?  Last Friday was my first Korean lesson; between that class and studying Hangul I can, with some patience, read Korean.  I don't really know what I'm reading most of the time but yeah... my pronunciation of some characters can be kinda iffy still but yeah.  Apparently most Koreans don't pronounce some of those characters differently anyway.

On Saturday I met Pres. Obama...

Though he seemed kinda inanimate!  Because he was wax.  This was at a place called the 63 Building on Yeouido Island on the Han River.  Went to dinner with a friend and then to another friend's house... ate chicken....  Koreans really seem to love their chicken.  Like.. a lot.

Today (Tuesday for me) I cooked lunch for the office and... it seemed to be a success.  Denver scrambled eggs (Denver omelettes would be too difficult to cook for a dozen people at one on a 4 burner stove) and some fried rosemary potatoes.  Wish I had more potatoes but had the exact amount of eggs necessary for the people at the office at the time so it went well.  Hopefully nobody wakes up tomorrow puking their dinners.  But I'll go ahead and fly the mission accomplished banner now.

I also managed to get a phone.  I tried to get one yesterday but the timing and limit options given to E-2 visa holders didn't mix well yesterday.  Had much better luck today... obviously.  Hmm... what else?  In two days I hit the one month mark


1 comment:

  1. A dad tomato, a mom tomato, and a baby tomato are walking down the street... the baby tomato starts to fall behind.. so the dad tomato walks over, Smacks the baby and says "KETCHUP"!
