Friday, July 29, 2011

So... vacation plans

Fighting zombies, hopefully, will not be something I will be doing.
I may or may not have a vacation plan for my week of vacation.  This is next week mind you... the week of August 3.  So I was wondering... with no promises of actually doing something suggested, what are some things you, my handful of known and anonymous readers, would like me to do?  This can be something specific (ex: eat 50 hotdogs) or a vague goal (ex: eat hotdogs).  Please leave your comments below.

P.S. Keep it PG.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So... it's been awhile....

Yes I know it's been a long time.  By long time I mean almost three months.  Geez I hope my blog's popularity hasn't dropped.  Can't afford to lose my Iranian readers... or something.

Here's some quick updates... went to the DMZ, at least an observatory on the South Korean side of it, not inside.  Bought a souvenir turtle (made of stone) there.  Named the souvenir turtle (made of stone), Deemz.  Deemz the souvenir turtle (made of stone) is currently sitting above my desk.

iPod picture so the quality isn't that great.
I've also gone to Namsan Tower which, if you've been to other similar towers, is remarkably similar to that.  One of the beliefs associated with Namsan is that if you and your beau or belle lock a... lock... to the fence there your relationship will be eternal.  Fittingly, you see a lot of couples there.  Ironically, a decent number of locks are combination locks.

Hmm... what else have happened.  New teachers are at the 학원 now.  With two teachers leaving next month we have the full teaching staff for the X amount of time until our contracts end.  Between those departures and the transition of a long-term part-time teacher/part-time NGO worker to full-time latter, I'll become the most senior of the teachers.  That's kinda scary isn't it?

This past weekend there was the Boryeong Mud Festival.  Boryeong is here:

View Larger Map

There will be mud.
It was pretty fun.  The mud attractions covered about an acre of space... not enough for the however many people were there.  Tons of GIs.  Certainly pretty foreigner heavy, but there were still a decent number of Koreans there.  The thing in the background of that picture is a slide.  There was also the beach, which was similarly crowded.

I went there with the hagwon where I've started Korean lessons (Hi CLS, Jiyeon, Amy, Eun Young, Hyo Jung, and the various Noonas).  My class, B, is the second _______________ (fill in the blank: lowest OR highest OR antidisestablishmentarianism) class at CLS.  My hagwon (the one I work at), has 5 teachers learning Korean there.  Go figure.

Interestingly, Firefox's dictionary tells me "antidisestablishmentarianism" is spelled incorrectly.

I've been debating this identity question.  One of my possible pursuits in Korea that I envisioned was a search for my birth parents but I've started the question whether I care about answering it.  Will it change anything about me?  I doubt it.  Will it give me more insight into who I am?  I'm going to say no.  Will I learn more about where I'm from?  Probably.  But do I care about that?  Meh.  Considering how much I've changed in the past 5 years I don't imagine what my birth parents were/are like is relevant to who I am.  Besides, I tend to dwell on the past enough as it is... I don't really care to pointlessly worry about something else about my past.

Speaking of possible pursuits... perhaps graduate school?  Who knows.  There are some programs taught in English here and tuition here seems to be lower than in the US... though cost of living might be an issue.  Research will have to be done.

Anyway, I'll cya in three months.

I'm kidding.  Maybe.